Bash Escape Single Quote In Variable
It is not related to the quote characters passed as text to the command line.
Bash escape single quote in variable. This ends the single quoted string after i then immediately starts a double quoted string containing a single quote and then starts another single quoted string. Single quotation marks are more draconian. If you want to write content of variable foo in use the character to escape single quote. It preserves the literal value of the character followed by this symbol.
Instead of single quotes use double quotes. But if you use escape in front of symbol then the meaning of will be ignored and it will print the variable name instead of the value. You can go in and out of quotes. Normally symbol is used in bash to represent any defined variable.
Double quote and single quote are a syntax element that influence parsing. There is absolutely no way to get a literal single quote inside single quotes. In single quotes escaping single quote is not possible thus you cant include single quote into single quotes. Bash then concatenates all contiguous strings into one.
Fortunately quotation marks in the shell are not word delimiters. By themselves they dont terminate a word.